Sunday, October 12, 2008

Me again

So, the last month has been fairly uneventful but I believe an overview is necessary nonetheless. We figured out that Arnie, one of our bunnies is definitely a do the math...poor Penelope. Two things that cute should not be doing's just wrong. Jason bought an XBOX at a garage sale and is very excited about it. He figured out that he can buy games for very cheap at pawn shops. The draw back? Well, for example, last night we were hanging out when he decided that he wanted to play more of his game that he bought earlier that day (only 3.99! Cool, huh?) . I soon fell asleep out of pure boredom and he continued to play. When I woke up this morning he said, "Guess what time I fell asleep last night, 330 am!". Um...yea. I fear that a curse has fallen over me...the husband-addicted to video games-curse. Heavy sigh! Something might end up happening to the XBOX...something very bad.
School is going well. I applied for a nurse apprentice position at St. Alphonsus. I can't get my hopes up because there is only one position and will most likely be 50 applicants or so. Yikes. But, if you find yourself thinking of me in your day, please pray that I will get it! It would be an amazing opportunity that I would learn a lot from. I'm also looking forward to graduation. I will be graduating with my AS in Nursing in May, YES!! I will have my BS about a year later. But the good news is that I will be able to work as an RN in a hospital starting in May, cool huh? Jason is working hard in school as well and will be graduating soon after me...that is if he stops playing XBOX :) I am hoping to get a job soon so that we can have a little extra income. We would really love to go to Vegas for our anniversary in December. I know, can you believe that we have almost been married for a year! Wow. I can't!

1 comment:

Shelley said...

Oh NOooooo! Arni is actually a boy?! Craziness. What are you guys gonna do about it? Is Penelope an unwed mother? Yikes!

Sorry about the Xbox....I've dealt with similar issues. Maybe you could microwave his games. he he.

I'll be praying that you are able to find a job soon and that you are able to get that apprenticeship!

I'll try to give you a call this week so we can catch up!