Thursday, November 27, 2008

My Tummy is Full

Since it is Thanksgiving I thought that it would be appropriate to blog a little, especially since I promised that I would write once a week and that never happened. This was Jason and my first Thanksgiving as a married couple. I think that it has been smart on our part to only commit to one family per holiday because it makes everything much more relaxing that way. I could easily see holidays getting out of hand, trying to eat two meals and accommodate both families. Then I think about Vicky who has 4 families to attend to and it makes me dizzy...and very full imagining eating that much turkey.

We had a very delicious dinner which was prepared by my mom and grandmother, both are excellent cooks. Jason kept saying, "Thesh ish sho goood," as he stuffed his mouth with mashed potatos and turkey. He had three heaping plates. After dinner we watched "Fred Clause" and tried to nap off some of the tryptophan we ingested.

It was a pretty good day and we even started it with a new tradition of going out to coffee before heading over to the family's house. It was nice to see my grandparents again since we don't often. We made plans to play Pinochle at Christmas which makes me happy. Jason and I have sort of become addicted to the game. It's really fun once you get going and are used to the terminology.

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